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Students at Brunel School study a specialised curriculum that reflects the school’s local context by addressing the cumulative dysfluency they arrive with.  While the focus is on useful maths and English, they work towards GCSE qualifications in English, maths, science, citizenship and Physical Education. In addition, the curriculum also includes: Personal Social Health and Economic Education and Religious Education.  

To avoid disadvantaging students by disproportionately narrowing the curriculum, Learning Experiences form part of the KS3 curriculum and Entry Pathways and the Arts Award form part of the KS4 curriculum.  This gives them access to the corpus of knowledge that should be the entitlement of every student - key events that have shaped our nation, how the natural environment has been formed, key scientific concepts that underpin everyday life, along with appreciation of art and music.  KS3 Learning Experiences uses 'Cornerstones' at its core and mean that subject skills and knowledge are coherently sequenced and delivered through a range of engaging learning projects. Authentic cross-curricular links enrich learning and enable the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum.

Click here for more information about our curriculum.